About me

About me.

I am Michele, a mechanical engineer born back in the hot summer of July 1976 in the south of Italy.

Some years ago, somewhen in late summer of 2014, I started self-learning barebones x86 as a hobby. Since then, I take notes of my progress, failures, and reflections into a diary, which helps me a lot to learn from mistakes and also to restart every time I had to abandon the hobby temporarily due to lack of spare time.

Now, in the middle of 2020, I feel like sharing my experience and impression on this topic with others. Ideally, I would like to have a friend to be as mad and as passionate about barebones x86 as I am, to have some good conversation together and a good cup of coffee (or chilled beer depending on the season), instead, I decided to start a blog.

Since you are here, I invite you to read more and have fun together with barebones x86.