The first Milestone

I reached the first milestone in this exploration story of the deep binary space. It means that the diary is concluded and the blog starts. From now on, I will publish posts at a lower rate as before since the diary is over and I have no backlog that I can use to create new posts. At this point, I am back again in the discovery phase where I need to make experiments and learn new things before writing any new post.

As you may remember, I started this self-learning journey and I took working notes of my experiments, into a diary. I need to take working notes of my experiments and steps because this really helps me learning. Initially, I used a diary for this purpose (I mean a real diary, a paper-made one), but in July 2020, I decided to takes those original working notes and organize them into a blog (you find them in the page "the diary").

Writing a blog is definitively more time consuming than writing on the physical paper-made diary but it has some additional benefits too:

  • it is accessible over the internet,
  • it is mobile friendly thanks to the blogger platform,
  • it makes me share my working experience with you!

At this point, I created a new page called "the blog" which helps me to keep the posts organized as it was with the page "the diary" but it collects only the new posts created from January 2021 onwards.
