show_string procedure

this is the reference picture for the post describing the show string procedure

For the Alien Planet Probe, I have to display two strings on the screen so it is better writing a procedure that I can reuse. I designed a procedure called show_string. I have coded it immediately using INT 10h since it has the same logic used in Alien-Planet Landing-Module.

The show_string procedure
show_string: ###################################################################################### # # This procedure shows a string on the video starting at address DS:[SI]. # It uses the int 10h assembly to show one character at each time and terminates # as soon as the procedure finds the byte 0x00. # # INPUT: DS:SI # OUTPUT: --- # REGISTER USAGE: AX, BX # THIS ONE CALLS: # ####################################################################################### ################################################################## # standard setup for displaying characters on the screen ################################################################## mov ah, 0e # int10/AH = 0e : video teletype out # AL = character to write mov bx, 0007 # BH = page number # BL = foreground color (graphics mode only) ################################################################## # displays characters on the screen until "00" byte is found ################################################################## do_until: lodsb # AL = DS:[SI]; SI = SI + 1 cmp al, 00 # affect flags by: AL - 00 je do_end: # jump if ZeroFlag is set (ZF = 1) int 10 # int 10h in 8086 puts a character on the screen # and returns nothing jmp do_until: do_end: #################### # end of procedure #################### ret

I look at the show_string procedure as my baby version of the print function in assembly. I just have to point DS:[SI] at the beginning of the string in memory and then call show_string. It is very easy to use and I will use it also in the future. After all, print a messages on screen is quite a common task. By the way, we never "print" on any screen, we just display it, but the printer was the first standard output for a computer in the history before the display was used, so we keep saying that we print messages regardless where the messages go: either to a printer or a screen.
